Yettel Hungary

Agile transformation

Yettel Hungary is a dominant player in the mobile telecommunications market in Hungary. Over the past 10 years, we have worked closely with them, and we have become strategic partners. We have developed a number of critical and essential backend systems, as well as the Yettel self-care mobile application.

We provide support services concerning the application and our systems, and we have taken a pivotal role in introducing agile methodology at the company as well.

'Astron is our long-time trusted partner in agile app development. Their dedicated, high-quality work is well reflected not only in business results but also in customer satisfaction, which is the most important for us.'

Zsuzsanna Varga-Hering, Digital Director, Yettel Hungary

The challenge

Introducing something new to a corporation, especially new ways of working, is never easy. Our goal was to create a transparent solution where every employee has clear responsibilities. Restrictions brought on by COVID-19 further contributed to our challenge.

Our solution

We dedicated an agile consultant to the project, whose job was to introduce to our client how to run a project efficiently according to agile methodology. We helped them re-think ways of working and introduced sprints and relevant agile ceremonies, such as standups, plannings, groomings, and retrospectives; we created user stories together; and we facilitated the transition with our scrum masters and product owners as part of their team. As for the COVID challenges, we tried to organize team outings as often as possible to help with group cohesion.

The result

We celebrated our 100th sprint in the summer of 2023, which means that by then, we had successfully worked together for about 4 years. It has proven to be an effective way of working both in the short and in the long term.

Let's build something
great together